Thomas Uyttebroeck is CEO of the flourishing plumbing company CMOSA. Thanks to a branding agency, CMOSA already worked on a clear message and an attractive design. The last step was for us to program and deploy the website.


The challenge was to respect to the pixel the suggestion the branding company gave to CMOSA. But on top of that, Thomas needed a tool to easily manage his application process. Of course, everything needed to be seamless for him to modify most of the fields and pictures of his website.


The solution we chose is a CMS from scratch strictly tailored to Thoma's needs. It was designed in a “what you see is what you get” approach for him not to lose a second when he needs to handle new applications and post them on his website. The React framework was used for the front. For the back, the PHP Laravel framework was the solution.


A creative website built from scratch being both modern and userfriendly is the result of this project.